Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Heroin/ Villian Blog

Villian: Napoleon Bonaparte
I chose Napoleon because he was known for being a pretty bad man. Nit just mean but cruel as well. He also had a great fear of cats and I just thought that was quiet interesting. I was actually stuck on who I should do for my villian. But one day my mom propsed that I should do Napoleon and in thee beginning I wasnt so sure but in thee end I am proud of my work.
Heroin: Nina Dobrev

Well Nina Dobrev really isnt a "hero" to me. I chose her because I like her as an actress. She's been in Degrassi & in The Vampire Diraires and I am a vampire fan so I do like her as an actress more than anything. I was really trying to make her look like the pictureas you can see she is very pretty and I didnt want to make her ugly so i kinda felt the responsibility to not make her look ugly.

In the begginning of this project I was excited becaus eit was something different and it sounded very interesting aswell, but I wasnt sure that I could actually produce somehting that I would be proud of. but in the end I learned various artistic skills that did take sometime to learn and to incorporateinto my piece but thee end result was much better than what I expected.

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