Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Calaca de Dia De Los Muertos :)

This is my day of the dead skull. I drew this skull , used a photoshop tutorial Engraving Techniques. I liked it because it gives the image a 3D effect that i think will pop out on the box.


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Joseph Cornell Art Pieces :)

I chose this art piece because it's interesting. I think it's so cool how it has different layers. I'd be nice to do something like this. It looks like he cut the rabbit and like layered it on top of thee other backgrounds. It kinda gives it a 3D effect that I like.

I like this picture because it's intriguing in a way & something about it reminds me about the Mona Lisa, it might be her face because she has no expression. It leaves you thinking. And it's also like in a box which I think makes it cooler.
Joseph Cornell seems to really like birds because in a lot of his art he has a bird incorporated in some way. I chose this picture because I have a bird that looks like this bird and also because it is kinda like the box, that were gonna be using for the Day of The Dead project. It reminded me of it& kinda gives me an idea of what we'll be doing.


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Heroin/ Villian Blog

Villian: Napoleon Bonaparte
I chose Napoleon because he was known for being a pretty bad man. Nit just mean but cruel as well. He also had a great fear of cats and I just thought that was quiet interesting. I was actually stuck on who I should do for my villian. But one day my mom propsed that I should do Napoleon and in thee beginning I wasnt so sure but in thee end I am proud of my work.
Heroin: Nina Dobrev

Well Nina Dobrev really isnt a "hero" to me. I chose her because I like her as an actress. She's been in Degrassi & in The Vampire Diraires and I am a vampire fan so I do like her as an actress more than anything. I was really trying to make her look like the pictureas you can see she is very pretty and I didnt want to make her ugly so i kinda felt the responsibility to not make her look ugly.

In the begginning of this project I was excited becaus eit was something different and it sounded very interesting aswell, but I wasnt sure that I could actually produce somehting that I would be proud of. but in the end I learned various artistic skills that did take sometime to learn and to incorporateinto my piece but thee end result was much better than what I expected.